Wednesday, January 19, 2005

has it come to this?

so i'm blogging from a pentium 133 with 64mb ram. yes you read correctly. my life has been degraded (is there even such a word?). suppose i can blame it all on journ with them not having anywhere for me to work yet, so i have to use rmr communal news resources (*happy i don't read news here anymore - this technology would drive me to drink double what i already do).
so, my life in a nutshell (why do people say that?). i arrive back in grahamstown on sunday evening after a day-long drive from jozi. monday morning = phone calls from all and sundry (i.e. people who want me to do work). somehow they all know i'm back. who knows? but they found me allright. so while i'm kinda stressing cause i have this mini mountain of crap to do in two weeks, they tell me that i'm going to ghana next wednesday (26th). highway africa is covering some u.n. conference (wsis i think) and they need me to design the daily paper.
talk about your world being thrown upside-down. never so much as set foot outside south africa (hell - i've never even been to limpopo province) and now i'm going to west africa. sorting out emergency travel documents wasn't fun. but they should be here on friday (fingers-crossed). visa's are being taken care of by u.n. in ghana so that should be ok - or i guess i could just camp out at accra airport for the 10 days.
and now i compress my work into a week.
it'll all get done. it always works out.
so i'll stop worrying now.
(plus i'll be back for o-week!)

what made my day today: finally got my digs deposit refunded (from last year!) and should also get a refund on my 120gb hdd that just stopped working at the beginning of this month.

* now listening to: malaika - destiny


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